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10 Reasons Why You Should Never Stop Being Creative

You see it everywhere you go. Some of it’s not-so-good and sometimes it stops you in your tracks. But creativity and the act of making art are more important to our planet than you think. Can you imagine a world without art? Sure, Earth has many beautiful wonders and mother nature produces the most stunning artwork there is, but there’s something special about the individuality of humans and our creative minds.

Art is everywhere we go, and we must continue to cultivate creativity in our communities to ensure that it stays alive. If you’re wondering why you should even care, here are 10 reasons why art is important to our world and why you should never stop being creative!

1. It’s Natural Human Behavior

Art is important. It’s no different than why you need food to live, why we laugh, or why it feels so good to be loved. It’s part of us. Humans have been creating since the beginning of time. Whether it was using berries for paint or wood for carving, humans have always had a natural affinity to being creative and making art. It’s in our DNA and it’s something people desire to learn from the day they are born. Give a child a crayon and paper and watch them light up.

2. It’s a Language

“A picture is worth a thousand words”. Art speaks its own language, whether it’s a painting, a dance routine, or a favorite song. Art is able to say things that words sometimes can’t. It’s an international language that anyone from anywhere can understand and be inspired by. The interpretation of art can be a personal manifestation of an idea or a belief, different for all who view it.

3. Art Tells a Story

Art is important because it’s a way of documenting and preserving our history. Historic art tells an important story about society and culture, giving us insight into past and present day trends. Art is everywhere, from cave walls and pyramids to billboards; from canvas to street signs and murals; from photographs to technology generated art on screens. Art varies in purpose but tells a story.

4. Art is Therapeutic

Art is a way to calm yourself and decrease stress. If you make regular time in your schedule for creativity, you’ll see the results in how you feel. The therapeutic effects of art are so profound that it’s used by certified professionals to help people deal with mental illness and other emotional challenges. Take note of how you feel when you hear, witness, or participate in art.

5. It Evokes Emotion

Art can be very powerful; an entire nation can be moved by art. Think of artwork, videos, or songs that have gone viral around the world and created awareness or inspired people to do great things. The songs you listen to while you exercise or work could be empowering you to accomplish more than you could without them because of how you feel when you are listening.

6. Art Increases Creativity

Art in any form is a partner to creativity. They go hand in hand; and who is to say which one comes first? The more you create, the more creative you will be come. Observing or participating in art in any form will inspire new ideas, producing a beautiful cycle. Creative, imaginative minds create more.

7. People are Happier When They Create

Creativity is freeing. It brings happiness. When you step away from the norm and make the effort to attend an art museum, a concert, participate in a paint night, or a pottery class, you will feel noticeably different. Using the creative side of the brain can bring you a new perspective. Art in any form, either while creating or observing, reduces the stress hormone called cortisol and releases endorphins which bring joy.

8. It is Vital to Human Development

Creativity is at the foundation of education. It helps develop motor skills, eye-hand coordination, and it has an impact on social and emotional growth. It also increases cognitive development and can have a positive impact on all aspects of learning.

9. It Can Build Communities

Nothing is more beautiful than when a city or property owner commissions an artist to put their artwork in an area to make an otherwise unpleasant looking place into an awe-inspiring, beautiful sight! People will feel uplifted when they visit and will spead the word to more people to frequent a place otherwise mundane. It becomes a gathering place where people develop a sense of community.

10. It’s Good for the Economy

When a community is bustling with creativity and has a vibrant art scene filled with attractions, people will come to see and experience it. Art installations are a huge draw to tourists who realize the value and individuality of the art scene in a certain city or town. Art tells the story of a community which attracts people, bringing them to support the economy of a community.

In summary, there are many reasons why you should engage with the arts and keep creating! Choose any of these reasons and just do it! Whether it’s baking a cake you saw on social media, attending a pottery class, or making a sand castle at the beach, get out there and let your inate sense of creativity have some fun while influencing others with your art! Never stop being creative!

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