Our Summer Camp theme for 2023 was a celebration of “Live Life in Color”. We had the best time with hundreds of kids immersed in exploring color all summer long! In the world of art, color is a language that speaks to each person as an individual. Embracing color is not just about creating beautiful artwork. Color has a profound impact on our lives in ways we might not even realize.
Let’s look at 5 ways color impacts our lives.
We encounter color in the world that influences us every day. An artist uses color to convey feelings and ideas on the canvas. Our color preferences and choices reflect our personality and individuality. Whether it’s the colors we choose to wear, the decor we select for our environment, or the artwork we choose to create or hang on our walls, these color choices are all expressions of our unique identity and style. Asking someone their “favorite color” or seieng repeated color in one’s clothing, artwork or surroundings may tell you a lot about a person.
Colors have the power to spark creativity and ignite the imagination. At an art school like Cordovan, students learn to explore a vast spectrum of colors and discover their interplay in creating visual concepts in their masterpieces. Engaging with color encourages creative thinking, fosters curiosity, and empowers students to think beyond boundaries. As students experiment with different colors and hues, they learn to see the world in a new ways, finding inspiration in enexpected places.
Color can profoundly impact our physical health and mental well-being. Studies have shown that exposure to certain colors can influence our mood and even alleviate or initiate stress and anxiety. For instance, soft greens and blues can have a calming effect, while warm yellows and oranges can evoke feelings of happiness and joy. Combinations of color can create harmoney and visual interest, while conflicting color choices may lead to discomfort or disinterest. Art students often find solace in the selection of colors which allow them to express their emotions. Some alternative healing practices like chromotherapy suggest that exposure to specific colors can promote healing and balance in the body and mind.
Nature is the most abundant source of color inspiration there is. From the brilliant shades of flowers in bloom to the earthy tones of the changing seasons. Colors in nature enrich our lives in profound, sometimes subliminal ways. Through art, particularly in the effort to imitate what we see in the real world, we learn to appreciate the intricate beauty of the world around us, fostering a deeper connection with nature and how we relate to the world.
Color may aid in memory recall and recognition. Brands often use distinct colors in their logos and marketing to create strong brand identiy and ensure that customers remember them by associating a color with their products and services. Similarly, we may remember or might associate a place or experience based on the colors associated with them. These memories often then make their way to find exression in our artwork.
In conclusion, color is an integeral part of our lives. As students explore the kaleidoscope of colors, particularly in the study and experience of artistic creation, they find that color is a universal language that speaks directly to the human soul; shaping emotions, enhancing creativity, promoting mental well-being, connecting people with nature, and facilitating memory and recognition. Look around you. Identify how colors make you feel and how much color is a part of your everyday life. Pick up a paint brush and incorporate that color into a beautiful work of art! Choose today to live life in color!