Newsletter & Free Trial Signup



The Woodlands Studio  Sugar Land Studio Spring Studio Katy Studio
Saturday, May 18th Friday, May 17th Saturday, May 18th Saturday, May 18th
3:00pm – 5:00pm 6:00pm – 8:00pm 6:00pm – 8:00pm 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Please submit art by May 11th Please submit art by May 11th Please submit art by May 11th Please submit art by May 11th

Friends and Family are invited to attend this Art Celebration!

Judges will give Awards based on these categories: Adults, Teens, Ages 9-12, Ages 4-8, Pottery & 3-D.

   The winners  (including the Viewer’s choice awards)  will be posted on our website 1 week after the show. 



Submission Requirements:

  • Artwork must be submitted to your studio prior to the date listed above.
  • Students may submit up to 3 pieces of art.
  • $10 for first entry and $5 for each additional entry (Payment must be made upon submission)
  • All art MUST be framed or matted on study mat board. This includes all canvas and canvas boards
  • No entries will be accepted on notebook paper or scratch paper
  • Print name, title of art piece and age on the back of all artwork
  • We request that all art has been done within the last 2 years at Cordovan Art School 
  • Artists must take art home after the show ends (see times above), or make special arrangements with the studio manager.

For more information, please email info@cordovanartschool or call your studio